Books for Hope
Hello Wonderful People,
I am creating two books; the first is "Words to Lift the Heart," a book of encouraging quotes and sayings for hard times.
The second book is a children's book with words of affirmation.
My whimsical illustrations will accompany both books.
I want these books to be community projects.
This is a page to post updates on the book's progress.
Dec 20th- Books of Hope
Books are finished- Looking for a Agent
Hello, wonderful people,
The book's final formatting took longer than expected. There was so much to learn while creating my first book. I have been working on reformatting the book multiple times this fall.
Finally, it's formatted and ready to go. I'm printing a couple of hard copies for myself just so I can see what they will look like.
Next, I will continue to look for an agent. Once I find an agent, they will search for a publisher. Once the publisher has it, it could take another couple of years before it is made available to the public.
I have many more ideas, but I am going to shift my focus in 2024 to taking courses and building my skills. Then, I will continue writing and illustrating books in 2025. That is the plan at present.
June 26th- Books of Hope
Final Edits, Looking for an Agent
Hello Wonderful People,
The two books are coming along; I am editing and formatting the art for both books, editing and refining the words, placement and fonts.
Then I have been researching Agents- it's a bigger job than I thought. I am working on a query letter that describes me and my book to send to Agents; before I can do that, I will need to have my final manuscript complete. So there is a lot on the go, and it is coming along and getting exciting. I will be taking July off the books as I will be teaching art kids camps full-time. I will continue with the book process in August. Thank you so much for your care and support! It's been huge. This book endeavour is a way bigger project than I thought, and I am excited about the hope and joy these two books will bring to many.
February 21- Books of Hope
Refining and Taking Shape
Hello Wonderful People,
The books are coming along and starting to take shape.
Doing this project together has been so beautiful and rich. I could not have imagined this much good could come out of the process.
I am excited.
I have met with four discussion groups in person and had hundreds of online and in-person conversations, both big and small. Some people write pages of informations, and others send a quote and words of advice. It's been rich, beautiful, and humbling, and it has been a pure honour to work with so many amazing insightful, caring people. The amount of help coming in has touched me so deeply.
I am currently refining and sorting the information and putting it together for these two books.
I will have another in-person refining group next week. During the week of March 6th, I will be doing a big social media book week. During this time, I will be asking lots of questions and showing you what I have so far.
I look forward to your help. This week will be posted on Instagram(@IllustratorSaraGagnon) and Facebook (Illustrator Sara Gagnon)
I hope to have the ruff draft for both books done by the end of March.
Jan. 25th 2023- First book- Hope in Hard Times
Researching Personal Journys and Collecting Quotes
I am meeting different groups and having conversations about hope in hard times. I will take our discussions and incorporate them into the book.
Would you like to Join the discussion? I would love your insight. :)
If you are interested, you can email me, and I will send you the info:)